Fusilli Pasta Recipes
Bring the delights of these mighty spirals to your dinner table, with our finest fusilli pasta recipes to try for dinner tonight.
Fusilli Pasta Recipes
Find your new favourite go-to midweek meal from our large fusilli pasta recipe collection.Further Fusilli Pasta Recipes

Fusilli Recipes FAQs
How much fusilli per person?
We recommend 80-100g fusilli pasta per person. Did you know that with a HelloFresh subscription you receive the exact portion of ingredients you need, to reduce your food waste and satisfy your appetite at the same time.
Can you freeze fusilli?
Yes, you can freeze cooked fusilli, which is great news for those wanting to cut down on food waste. To freeze, ensure your cooked fusilli has fully cooled, and store it in an airtight container or freezer bag. When reheating, we recommend adding a splash of sauce or water to maintain the fusilli’s texture.
How long does fusilli take to cook?
Fusilli is best enjoyed al dente. To cook fusilli to this state, simply boil in a pan of water for around 10-12 minutes. We recommend draining as soon as your fusilli has been cooked, and running under cold water through a colander, to ensure that the cooking process is stopped.
How should I store dry fusilli?
We recommend storing dry fusilli in a cool, dry place in a sealed container to maintain freshness and prolong its shelf life.
What sauces go best with fusilli?
Fusilli pasta pairs well with both thick, chunky sauces like marinara or Bolognese, as well as lighter sauces such as pesto or olive oil dressings. Its versatility in cooking is one of the reasons it’s so popular.
Can fusilli be used in cold dishes?
Yes, fusilli is excellent in cold dishes such as salads, due to its appealing shape, which holds onto salad dressings and other ingredients.
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